Welcome to the home page of the international conference Explicit Theory of Automorphic Forms, which is hosted by Tongji University in Shanghai from March 24 to March 28, 2014.
The conference aims to bring together people doing actively research in the area of automorphic forms with emphasis of explicit methods like calculation of dimension formulas, explicit description of rings, modules or spaces of automorphic forms, applications to arithmetic geometry, lattice theory and physics. We want to provide a platform for reports of recent results and for speculations and ideas of future directions of research with the aim of having at the end of the conference a summary of recent results, trends and possible future activities in this area.
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Hongwen Lu, Nils-Peter Skoruppa, Haigang Zhou
Local Organizers
Baojun Bian, Junfeng Yin, Hanying Liang, Quanqin Jin, Yingchun Cai, Hongwen Lu, Haigang Zhou
The organizers thank Tongji University who provides the financial support and the venue for the conference.